Who We Are
Who we are: The Constrol team numbers over 90 Structural engineers and software professionals, graduates of top-tier technology and engineering programs, who seek to streamline and simplify work processes, and save our customers time, energy, resources, and money.
Leading our team is a Structural engineer with over 25 years of experience in the field, with emphasis on tenders and budgets.
Together with Constrol's team, each with in-depth knowledge and experience in their field,
he leads the trail and create the spirit of Constrol – to bring our customers products enable them to achieve ever higher goals.
Lana Polivoda
VP Operations
Or Delevski | CTO
VP Technology (M.Sc.)
Gal Polivoda | CEO
Structural Engineer (B.Sc.)
Elad Mashiach | Project Manager
Structural Engineer (B.Sc.)
Vasily Talkin | Development Manager
Industrial and Management Engineer (B.Sc.)
Sagi Vaknin | Project Manager
Structural Engineer (B.Sc.)
Tal Tikochinsky | Chief Information Officer
Software Engineer (B.Sc.)
Dror Lifshitz | Project Manager
Structural Engineer (B.Sc.)
Igor Kremer | Project Manager
Structural Engineer (B.Sc.)
Iliya Yanov | Project Manager
Structural Engineer (B.Sc.)
The team of engineers